Shakti is synonymous with the term Devi, who is worshipped eternally by one and all. Although it refers to a female gender but Paramatma or almighty has no gender. Vedanta says- all are different names of one and the only Brahman with Maya. Maya and Brahman are inseparable. As per Sanskrit language every word has a gender and accordingly Brahman is male gender and Maya is female. Hence Devi is considered as female deity.
According to various puranas, Devi, Durga or Shakti is known to destroy several demons. But it has a Vedantic perspective. She is known to destroy demons Madhu and Kaitabha. The term Madhu means Sweet and Kaitabha is bitter. Life is a combination of both sweet and bitterness or in other words pleasure and pain. So, pleasure and pain come as a package in our lives. Worshippers of Devi will be bestowed with a sense of equanimity to take both aspects of life equally.
Then she is known to destroy the demon Mahishasura, who is the epitome of lust and rage. Devi upasakas would be blessed to control both lust and rage, as it brings about moha or delusion in an individual.
She is known to destroy the demon Dhumralochana, meaning having cloudy sight. In reality, it is nothing but lack of knowledge and discrimination. Devi upasana is known to bestow true knowledge and discrimination, which is required to understand Atma and Anatma.
Devi also destroys demons Chanda and Munda. Here Chanda means passion and Munda means internal conflict. It is the passion that creates raga and dwesha resulting in internal conflict. As Devi destroys passion, obviously internal conflict seldom arises.
Destruction of Rakta Beejasura means destruction of desires. As desire is the cause of all sorrows, its destruction leads to tranquility.
Similarly, destruction of Shumba and Nishumba corresponds to taking both shubha- auspicious and ashubha- inauspicious equally. Besides there seems to be three granthis or knots, namely Bramha, Vishnu and Rudra granthis. Granthis are thoughts which creates, fulfills and destroys. Granthi bheda or untying is the integral requirement for spiritual growth which obviously leads a person to enjoy the eternal bliss of Mother Goddess.
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