Editor-Dr Meera Rajaram Pranesh
Buy it on Amazon- Gita Gangadhara of Kalale Nanjaraja with Translation https://www.amazon.in/dp/8193101693/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JRPGKMX4TJS6SXD2SHG3
About the Book
Gitagangadhara, a Geya Prabandha in Sanskrit, authored by Kalale Nanjaraja of 18th century, is dedicated to Lord Srikaṇṭheśwara of Garalapuri (Nanjanagudu) follows the footsteps of Jayadeva’s Gita Govinda. Gitagangadhara begins with an introduction of the author and his family; Shiva dallying with ladies of the hermits of Darukavana; Consequently, Parvati separating from Shiva; Interference of the sakhi and concluding with the happy reconciliation of Shiva and Parvati on the banks of the river Kapila. Gitagangadhara comprises of twenty-four songs or Ashtapadis and seventy-two shlokas (verses) spread across six cantos. The work has been given in Devanagari, Kannada and English scripts along with the summary in this book.
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