Category: Philosophy
Master the subject
Every student wants to study and get expertise in the field of a subject which he or she is studying. Unfortunately only one or two students get to become masters in the said subject but rest would only get to become a mediocre. So it is obvious that even though a student is interested in…
Guru Gaudapada Acharya
Guru Sri Gaudapada Acharya happens to be the Parama guru (Guru’s guru) of Sri Adi Shankara Acharya. It is believed that Gaudapada Acharya renounced his life at a very young age and went to forest in quest of spiritual knowledge. There he heard God’s voice through Nabho vaani (inner voice) advising him to go to…
Bharatiya Samskriti Darshana 17 – Nava Durga, Sadhana Shibira 3
‘Sadhana Karna Chahiye Manva Sadhana Karna Chahiye” – (Oh Mind! focus on dedicated practise) – the first session from Keerthanacharya Shri Lakshmandas Velankarji started with this essential tenet . It took our minds immediately to the past two Shibirs where , in the first Shibir, Durga Devi had introduced herself as the cause and effect…