Editor-Dr Meera Rajaram Pranesh
Buy it on Amazon- Kannada Suladis of Haridasas with Notations https://www.amazon.in/dp/8193101677/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VP7MS56QHX6RT36S76X6
About the Book
Suladis are musical forms that figure in Karnatak music. These are structured in a very scholarly manner. Suladis are set to simple melodies and its sahitya is embedded with philosophical principles. These are set to various familiar and rare talas.
The book Kannada Suladigalu comprises of Suladis composed by Vyasarayaru and Purandara Dasaru with notations in kannada and english. Sahitya in sanskrit and structural analysis of the Suladis with a brief summary of the compositions has been provided. Along with this book, a DVD consisting of all the 6 Suladis being sung is included.
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